Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr. Pushpa kodlikeri
Dr. Amey Kodlikeri
Assisted Reproductive Medicine Department
Dr. Pushpa Kodlikeri
Dr. Amey Kodlikeri
Dr. Anuradha Shewale
Dr. Apurva Shewale
Dr. Shubhangi Palode
Fetal Medicine Department
Dr. Archana Patil
Uro-gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine
Dr. Renuka Alsi
Pediatrics Department
Dr. Rahul Bharad
Department of General Surgery
Dr. Praful Pawar
Physiotherapy Department
Dr. Shushank Pawar
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) Department
Dr. Sameer Deshmukh
Cardiology Department
Dr. Kedar Roplekar
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care
Dr. Balaji Asegaonkar
Dr. Sujit Khade